The curriculum at Gingin District High School is the same as the curriculum delivered at all schools in W.A. Secondary programs focus largely on broadening the development of skills across the curriculum including specialised learning areas.
Our School has developed a Gingin District High School Curriculum Planner which is used to ensure that all students achieve the expected outcomes for their year level, and to provide consistency of teaching across the school. Teachers and Education Assistants work collaboratively to develop quality instructional materials for students based on the planner, and parents will receive individual student reports on the basis of their achievements against the prescribed outcomes.

Kindergarten/Pre-primary curriculum
The Kindergarten and Pre-primary programs assist students to develop in all of the foundational domains of social, intellectual, physical and emotional development. Learning through structured play, social skills and language development form the basis for our early childhood program. The development of literacy and numeracy skills are fundamental aspects of the Kindergarten and Pre-Primary programs. Introduction to literacy blocks (blocks of time devoted to literacy) and numeracy blocks is a key aspect of the program. You can find the Kindy Term 1 Roster here.
Primary curriculum (Years 1 – 6)
The primary curriculum covers all eight learning areas, but particularly concentrates on literacy and numeracy development. The school incorporates Literacy Blocks (blocks of time during the day devoted just to literacy learning) and Numeracy Blocks as an important aspect of the curriculum in all Primary classes. Specialist programs are offered in Science, Art, LOTE, Music and Physical Education for Years 1 - 6.